The following COVID-19 preparedness & response plan has been established by Open Doors Kalamazoo in accordance with MIOSHA Emergency Rules for Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The purpose of this plan is to minimize or eliminate employee exposure to SARS-CoV-2.
The Emergency Rules have general safeguards applicable for all workplaces and specific safeguards for certain industries. The Deputy Director has read these emergency rules carefully, developed the safeguards appropriate to Open Doors Kalamazoo based on its type of business or operation, and has incorporated those safeguards into this COVID-19 preparedness and response plan.
Open Doors Kalamazoo has designated one or more worksites supervisors to implement, monitor, and report on the COVID-19 control strategies developed in this plan. The worksite supervisors are the Deputy Director, the Lead Shelter Manager, the Facilities Manager, and the Community Program Director. The supervisors will remain on-site at all times when employees are present on site or an on-site employee will be designated as a COVID-19 Safety Officer to perform the supervisory role if a worksite supervisor is not able to be present. The plan will be made readily available to our employees and their representatives.
The plan will be made readily available to our employees and their representatives. The plan will be available via google drive for all staff, and the website ( for the general public.
Click the link below to read the full plan.
Hi, I was recently fired from my job at Walgreens because of my son Doaerrek King and I’m now homeless since he would not allow me to transfer to my Kalamazoo store. How can you help me with the Human Resources assistance I need to help me with his retaliation?